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Artist Agreement
Art & Photography Data Input
Technical Specifications
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Technical Specifications for Art & Photography Content
Image Resolution
High Resolution (TV Only)
- Landscape Full Screen (width x height)
- HD Quality: at least 1920 x 1080 pixels
- 4K Quality: at least 3840 x 2160 pixels
- Portrait or Landscape < Full Screen
- HD Quality: at least 44 pixels per inch
- 4K Quality: at least 88 pixels per inch
Low Resolution (smart devices such as phones, tablets, and computers)
- Landscape Full Screen (width x height)
- Web Quality: 480 x 270 pixels
- Portrait or Landscape < Full Screen
- Web Quality: 28 pixels per inch
Image Encoding
High Resolution Images
Jaro Art service does not support artists’ watermarks on the High-Resolution images we display on the customers’ television screen. Our service includes the addition of identifying text to each image that includes the following: Title, Creator Name, Year, Available Gallery, Contact Information (artist’s website, email, telephone, etc.). See example below.
Figure 1.
For full screen images, the identifying text may be white or black and placed in the either the lower/upper and right/left areas of the screen depending visibility.
Low Resolution Images
Jaro Art services supports watermarking if desired by the artist. We can overlay a subtle Jaro watermark over the image or artists can include one of their own choice within the submitted low resolution image (subject to artist or Jaro approval of course).
Figure 2.