Best-Selling Coloring Book Author Latoya Nicole Initiates Program To Help Black Women Accomplish Their Publishing Goals

Latoya Nicole is the successful owner of a prominent coloring book business that focuses on the importance of Black women’s mental health.
As the author of nine books including her bestseller Exhale Self Care Coloring Book, she is also an advocate for increasing representation in publishing.
“When I started publishing in 2018, only 11% of books published were written by people of color, and Black authors only made up a fraction of that percentage, according to the New York Times,” she said in an interview with BlackNews. “I was and am determined to change the narrative and I hope my story will inspire people to not only think big, but to also know that you can create passive income and freedom for yourself.”
Being an accomplished best-selling author and entrepreneur, Latoya could have easily retired after making history by selling 60,000 coloring books and introducing skin-tone colored pencils designed for Black women. However, she’s now on a mission to give back and empower women by expanding her influence through educating others about self-publishing and how to sell books online.

In 2024, Latoya has ambitious goals, beginning with the launch of her flagship program, “Book Bag University: A Roadmap to Establish and Expand Your Author Brand.”
The program comprehensively guides both established and aspiring authors through the in-depth process of marketing books online. “I will literally walk you through the entire process that I have used publishing on Amazon and beyond— from putting together your bestselling book to helping you build your author business and sell more books,” said Latoya. She suggests also subscribing to her YouTube channel as a starting point.
Purchase Latoya’s coloring books through her website. For more information or to join the waitlist for Book Bag University, visit
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